Referring A Patient
Please note
that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario provides guidelines as to which patients can be seen in
an out of hospital facility. If any of the following describes your patient,
kindly redirect the referral to a local endoscopist for a procedure in a hospital
setting, in order to facilitate timely access to care:
- Over
the age of 80
greater than 40 kg/m2
- Recent
cardiac issues
- Severe
sleep apnea
- Significant comorbidities
- Significant
mobility concerns (wheelchair bound, dependent on a walker/cane)
patients are more appropriately seen in a hospital setting for their own safety.
In order to
minimize a delay in care, kindly ensure that all supporting paperwork is
attached (bloodwork, cardiac notes, previous colonoscopy/EGD reports), if relevant,
in order to allow for effective and accurate triage of referrals.
Patients can be referred directly to TCC by faxing a completed referral form to 519.650.5577.
For your convenience, we have a TCC specific form.
We also readily accept Ocean eReferrals.
If you would like us to deliver a pad of referral forms to your office, please call us at 519.650.2777.